Monday, September 21, 2009

For my 2 readers . . .

I've been seriously neglecting our blog for the past few months, and this week I'm determined to get it back up to par . . or at least as close as I can get it to par ;) There will be lots of pictures and silly antics by the kids. I know, I know, you are just waiting on the egde of your seats - ha ha ha! Look back often . . .
PS I will be dating the posts as they actually took place, so scroll down to see my new posts!


The Clayton Clan said...

Hey Stacey! I'll be one of your readers! Your kids are growing up! I look forward to future posts.

Dawn said...

Hey Stacy, was wondering what happened to you as you stopped blogging. Always fun to stop in and see how you are doing...really need to get together again!! Look forward to seeing the pics..keep em comin!

Taryn said...

ya your back!!!! I'm a reader :) not the best at commenting...but I am a reader!

SunnyD said...

She is cute, cute, cute.

SunnyD said...

Sooo....were you just trickin' when you said you were going to keep this up? :) Kidding!!!!